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Drug Rehab Programs near zipcode 33484

   Treatment Solutions Of South Florida
Treatment Solutions Of South Florida

Lighthouse Point, FL 33064
Drug Rehab Program

0.10 mi. Transformations Treatment Center
Drug and Alcohol Treatment

delray beach, FL 33484
Transformations Treatment Center is a 30-90 day drug and alcohol treatment program. We offer an Intensive Outpatient Program and Day/Night Treatment with Supportive Housing provided by Integrity Way Transitional Housing.
Transformations Treatment Center<br>Drug and Alcohol Treatment
0.10 mi. TreatmentHelp
Treatment Help

Delray Beach Florida, FL 33484
Drug Rehab Program
TreatmentHelp<br>Treatment Help
1.89 mi. New Horizons Delray Outpatient
Outpatient Drug Rehab Delray Beach

Delray Beach, FL 33445
iop outpatient drug rehab and alcohol treatment in delray beach florida
New Horizons Delray Outpatient<br>Outpatient Drug Rehab Delray Beach
3.55 mi. Recovery Row
Sober living,drug treatment program, alcohol treatment program,halfway house & drug recovery program

Delray Beach, FL 33444
Approximately eight million addicts a year attempt recovery in some kind of structured environment, and 70% of which are men. However, figures show that most addicts do not stay clean. Against this backdrop, Recovery Row is a uniquely effective experience for men who are fed up with the false promises.
Recovery Row<br>Sober living,drug treatment program, alcohol treatment program,halfway house & drug recovery program
3.55 mi. Gateway to Recovery inc
Drug Rehab in Florida

Delray Beach, FL 33444
Drug and Alcohol treatment in South Florida, providing individualized and comprehensive treatment for patients suffering from addiction in a nurturing family environment.
Gateway to Recovery  inc<br>Drug Rehab in Florida
3.55 mi. gateway to recovery
Gateway to Recovery's, delray beach, FL

delray beach, FL 33444
Welcome to the Gateway to Recovery's family of substance abuse programs, and congratulations on your first step towards a drug and alcohol free life-style.
4.43 mi. Palm Partners Recovery Centers
Peter Harrigan

Delray Beach, FL 33483
Palm Partners Mission is to provide the highest quality of care within our alcohol and drug recovery center at a reasonable and affordable cost. Palm Partners utilizes state of the art neurobiological strategies, relapse prevention techniques and 12 Step recovery plans with health and wellness components. At Palm Partners Recovery Centers we provide affordable holistic treatment and maintain the highest quality of care and standard of living for our clients
Palm Partners Recovery Centers<br>Peter Harrigan
4.43 mi. Insight To Recovery, Inc
Julie Brown

Delray Beach, FL 33483
Drug and Alcohol addiction treatment that really works. We are a private center that not only is day/night treatment and therapy, but gets patients involved in the recovery community while still in treatment. We provide patients with the tools to live a happy, successful and productive life.
Insight To Recovery, Inc<br>Julie Brown
5.35 mi. New Dawn Recovery Programs
New Dawn Recovery

Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Addiction Treatment Center in South Florida, treating drug and alcohol addictions, compulsions and co-occurring disorders. New Dawn provides a full continuum of addiction care in group and individual settings. We are a 30 bed facility and we are available 24 hours /7 days a week to assist you. Our focus is “you” the helpless man or woman in need, the concerned family or friend of a person in need of help. Our goal is to give hope and help to the hopeless.
New Dawn Recovery Programs<br>New Dawn Recovery
8.07 mi. Boca House for Men
Laura Judge

Boca Raton, FL 33432
Drug Rehab Program
10.49 mi. Sunlight Recovery
Deerfield Beach, FL Drug Rehab Program

Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Sunlight Recovery provides services for men 18 years and older who are ready to embrace the recovery process and are in need of extended care services. We offer a structured sober
Sunlight Recovery<br>Deerfield Beach, FL Drug Rehab Program
10.49 mi. The Florida House
An Enriching Recovery Environment

Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Like Life Itself...Sobriety Must Be Learned, Lived and Experienced.
The Florida House<br>An Enriching Recovery Environment
10.49 mi. Our Place Recovery LLC
Our Place Recovery LLC

Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Our Place Recovery is dedicated to assisting those in need of a life changing experience. Our belief is that treatment will be effective if the focus is on the individual and the unique set of circumstances they present. We feel strongly that each person in our care be treated with dignity and respect to develop trust which is paramount in the healing process.
Our Place Recovery LLC<br>Our Place Recovery LLC
10.49 mi. The Florida House Experience
Ahmed Howeedy

Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Drug Rehab Program
11.28 mi. Genesis House Recovery Residence Inc.
Genesis House

Lake Worth, FL 33461
We Located in beautiful Palm Beach County Florida, Genesis House is a private family style recovery center just outside of West Palm Beach. Our facility sits on five lush acres of manicured lawns, towering pines, and coconut palms. We have a small number of treatment beds which helps the new client develop a bond with their peers, counselors, and staff in a relatively short period of time.
Genesis House Recovery Residence Inc.<br>Genesis House
12.51 mi. Sunshine House, Inc.
Recovery Homes/Halfway House

Pompano Beach, FL 33064
Sunshine House, Inc.<br>Recovery Homes/Halfway House
12.51 mi. Treatment Solutions Of South Florida
Treatment Solutions Of South Florida

Lighthouse Point, FL 33064
Drug Rehab Program
15.52 mi. Faith in Recovery
Susan Mills

Pompano Beach, FL 33062
Drug Rehab Program
15.63 mi. Spirit House soberliving
Tiffany Hutchinson

pompano beach, FL 33069
Drug Rehab Program
15.63 mi. Spirit house sober living
Spirit house sober living

miami, FL 33069
We provide Recovery Homes services in miami, FL
18.67 mi. New Beginnings Detox

Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
DETOX ON AN OUT-PATIENT BASIS We offer a confidential, personalized, safe and effective drug detox without hospitalization. Patients are under the supervision of our licensed medical staff and addiction specialists. We also treat gambling disorders.
22.08 mi. Treatment Solutions Network
The Treatment Solutions Network, FL

ft Lauderdale, FL 33338
The Treatment Solutions Network is unlike any other approach to addiction treatment. Through our relationships with the nation's premier treatment facilities and addiction professionals across the country..
Treatment Solutions Network<br>The Treatment Solutions Network, FL
27.52 mi. International Drug Rehab
International Drug Rehab

Miami, FL 33314
Drug Rehab Centers
28.06 mi. Addiction Education Consultants
Addiction Education Consultants

Weston, FL 33326
We provide the finest addiction treatment and substance abuse treatment available. AEC believes in treating people as individuals. The staff of this program pride themselves on meeting the individual's needs, and providing the best possible care for addiction, depression, anxiety, mood disorders, bipolar disorder, or any other co-occurring issue. The groups are small, allowing the therapists to provide quality and personalized care.
Addiction Education Consultants<br>Addiction Education Consultants
28.41 mi. Focus Healthcare - High Point
Adult chemical dependency treatment center, Florida

Cooper City, FL 33328
A full service adult chemical dependency and detox treatment center 1 800 523-7773
Focus Healthcare - High Point<br>Adult chemical dependency treatment center, Florida

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A Drug Rehab and Dual Diagnosis Treatment
National statistics have shown that drug addicts and alcoholics who attend a long term addiction treatment and drug rehab programs...
How To Select A Drug Rehab Clinic
A drug rehab clinic can be the ideal place to detox from the unhealthy lifestyle that is being lead. It is essential that careful planning of which drug or alcohol addition treatment program is select...
How to Find a Drug Rehab in Florida?
When you're in need, the quickest way is the best: if you put “drug rehab in Florida” in your search engine, the first page it finds will be the right one....
Drug and Alcohol Rehab
Rehabilitation from drug addiction is a complex process. It involves commitment from the individual addict to abstain from further drug use. The physical dependence on the drug needs to be overcome...
What Happens in Drug Rehab?
Drug rehabilitation is an important part of the recovery process for anyone addicted. For someone who has never been in a rehabilitation center,...
The Extensiveness Of Drug Rehab
Drug rehab is not fun. It is not a day in the park. It is one of the most challenging aspects of anyone’s life. Those who have not had to deal with it can not understand it...
Drug Rehab Treatments
It is with definite grief that we have to realize that our society is not prospering as well as it should. Crimes are still being continuously committed, be it by cruel acts of violence or mass ...
Drug Rehab Statistics
Drug abuse is defined as the compulsive and habitual misuse of any drug for various purposes, such as achieving calming or euphoric effects, an escape from reality, dulling anxiety, and fighting ...
Drug Detox Programs and Drug Rehab
For those who are addicted to various drugs, usually drug detox program is the only way to help them overcome their drug addiction. Whether they are addicted to street drugs or have a prescription...
How to Choose a Drug Rehab or Alcohol Rehab Program
Drug addiction is defined as "the compulsive use of psychoactive drugs, to the point where the user has no effective choice but to continue use." Drug addiction is a complex illness and effective ...
Types of Rehab Treatments
The types of rehabilitation treatments include inpatient rehab treatment, outpatient rehab treatment, residential rehab treatment, short-term rehab treatment and long-term rehab treatment. ...
Factors to consider while choosing a rehab program?
For those who are seeking a drug rehab program or an alcohol rehab program, it could be a little difficult and even confusing to identify the best rehab program that would ideally suit your needs...
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Drug abuse includes the use and abuse of illegal drugs such as marijuana, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy etc. and prescription drugs such as sleeping pills....
Alcohol Addiction Treatment
There are a number of alcohol addiction treatment options and the type of treatment a patient receives varies according to the severity of his or her alcohol addiction....
How do Drug Rehab Centers work?
A typical drug rehab center follows the treatment process that starts from drug detoxification and takes the patient through drug rehabilitation to restore the individual to good health....
Dual Diagnosis
Dual Diagnosis refers to a condition in which a person suffers from co-occurring disorders such as a psychiatric disorder and substance abuse which is an addiction to a substance like alcohol or drugs...

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