Drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatments are normally extended processes. There are several different types of rehab treatments for drugs and alcohol addiction and abuse. The types of rehabilitation treatments include inpatient rehab treatment, outpatient rehab treatment, residential rehab treatment, short-term rehab treatment and long-term rehab treatment.
These rehab treatments help individuals recover from drug and alcohol addictions. People seeking rehab treatments may opt for a drug rehab or alcohol rehab treatment based on the severity of their condition.
Inpatient rehab treatment:
Inpatient rehab treatment works towards achieving a long-term abstinence from drugs and alcohol. The individuals who undergo this treatment reside as inpatients in the rehab centers throughout the duration of the rehab program. The duration of stay may vary from individual to individual, depending on their condition and requirement. Inpatient rehab treatments offer 24 hours service, 7 days a week and are ideal for individuals seeking full-time support and care in their recovery process.
Outpatient rehab treatment:
Individuals attending an outpatient rehab program do not live at the rehab center as they would at an inpatient rehab. Outpatient rehab programs may range from low-intensity programs to intensive day treatment programs. Techniques used normally include specialized therapies such as 12-step programs, psychotherapy, problem-solving groups, etc. Outpatient rehab treatments also comprise of intensive day programs that are structured to individual needs.
Residential rehab treatment:
Residential rehab treatment is offered at residential rehab centers by qualified physicians and specialists. Residential rehab treatments are located in different places, often in an environment that is conducive for rehabilitation such as seaside resorts, ranches, mountain resorts etc. The individual is given personalized treatment in a home-like milieu. In a residential rehab treatment the individual is removed from his/her surroundings and placed in a soothing locale. This not only speeds up the rehab process but also removes the person from his/her surroundings that could trigger the addiction.
Short term rehab treatments:
Short term rehab treatments may range from 4 to 10 weeks and comprise of intensive rehab programs that help the individual through detox and withdrawal from drugs and alcohol. These rehab treatments are structured for 5 days a week so as to allow the individual to maintain his/her current lifestyle.
Long term rehab treatments:
Long term rehab treatment facilities are ideal for patients who need intensive and sustained care and treatment over an extended period of time. These centers often offer holistic rehab programs for individuals that treat their physiological, emotional, spiritual, social and vocational needs. Long term rehab treatments also offer aftercare programs that focus on relapse prevention and support.